This works particularly well for annotated bibliographies or when you need to quickly generate a source list. The 'Basic' edition is a limited, online-based version that is free to use. Contact the IS Helpdesk (ishelphw.ac.uk) to obtain licenses and installation instructions. EndNote Desktop for Personal Use, You can now install, for free, one copy of EndNote 20 (recently upgraded from X9) on your own computer for personal use. It finds the research you are looking for using built-in search tools. It is available on all university-owned PCs. If a reference is not appearing correctly in Word, you may need to edit the reference details in your EndNote library or double check that you are using the right output style.Using EndNote Basic, you can create a bibliography in any style you want without using a word processor. EndNote is a software program that works with Microsoft Word to automatically format in-text citations and end-of-paper reference lists with your chosen style (APA, MLA, Chicago, etc.). EndNote is a desktop reference management tool. Check that the references are appearing properly in your work by comparing them with the official referencing guidelines for your style.in the ‘Authenticate With: URL’ box, insert:.go to menu item Edit > Preferences > Find full text and tick the OpenURL box.To find full text articles via UoB subscriptions for your references in EndNote:.Having duplicates in your EndNote library can cause problems, especially when you start to reference your work. Using EndNote Add references to your EndNote library by directly exporting from databases and search engines, dragging and dropping PDF files, using the.

Check for duplicate references before writing up. EndNote is also available via a web-based version in a more full functioning version for users who have the desktop version of EndNote.Always save a back-up copy of your EndNote library by selecting File > Save a copy.